
9 Cancer-Fighting Foods and Beverages [Reishi mushroom]

​Based on the American Cancer Society, data show that approximately 1,658,370 people will be newly diagnosed with cancer and 589,430 individuals will lose their fight against cancer this year. Cancer is the second cause of death in the U.S. and is on the fast track toward becoming the leading cause of death by 2030 — surpassing heart disease.

Although some therapies help to squelch certain cancers, other cancers appear to be intractable due to multidrug resistance. To beat cancer, we have to prevent it.

The fact is that heritable cancers compose 5 to 10 percent of all cancer cases. So what about the remaining 90 to 95 percent? Those cancer cases are due to environmental and lifestyle factors like pollutants, smoking, diet, stress, and physical inactivity.

Healthy cells don’t become cancerous cells overnight. In fact, many of us are walking around with cancer and don’t even know it. Based on autopsy studies of 20-somethings who have died in war or automobile accidents, evidence of cancer has been detected. If cancer is found in the body, then why doesn’t it present sooner than later.

Well, our immune system does a fantastic job at keeping cancer as well as other disease-causing cells from destroying our health. Unfortunately, as we get older, the accumulation of damage done by environmental toxins, stress, poor diet, and other lifestyle factors exhaust the immune system and render it unable to do its job effectively.

Also, cancer cells have surface markers that help them avoid immune detection. By going unnoticed, cancer cells lie dormant for years as they wait for an opportunity (e.g., weakened immune system) to flourish in the body. Once cancer is diagnosed and the tumor surgically removed, treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are used.

Cancer stem cells differ from normal cells in that they replicate at a faster rate and don’t undergo apoptosis (normal programmed cell death). Cancer cells also form abnormal blood vessels that supply it with nutrients to promote its growth and allow it to spread (metastasize) to other organs.
fast track近道、高速路線
squelch =inhibit or suppress抑圧[鎮圧]する
intractable=difficult to manage, deal with, or change to an acceptable condition: difficult to alleviate, remedy, or cure: 扱いにくい,手に負えない,治りにくい
multidrug resistance多剤耐性
heritable= hereditary遺伝性の
autopsy=examination of a cadaver(dead body) to determine or confirm the cause of death. postmortem, postmortem examination.検死(解剖)
20-somethings 20代の人、I am forty-something.40代です。
present = come to show (oneself) 姿を見せる、《医》〔検査で患者に〕症状が見つかる
dormant=not active but able to become active休眠中の、休止状態の
stem cells幹細胞。分裂して自分と同じ細胞を作る(Self-renewal)能力(自己複製能)と、別の種類の細胞に分化する能力を持つ。
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) がん幹細胞(がんかんさいぼう)は、がん細胞のうち幹細胞の性質をもった細胞。 体内のすべての臓器や組織は、臓器・組織ごとにそれぞれの元となる細胞が分裂してつくられる。 この元となる細胞(幹細胞)は、分裂して自分と同じ細胞を作り出すことができ(自己複製能)、またいろいろな細胞に分化できる(多分化能)という二つの重要な性質を持ち、この性質により傷ついた組織を修復したり、成長期に組織を大きくしたりできる。 がんにおいても、幹細胞の性質をもったごく少数のがん細胞(がん幹細胞)を起源としてがんが発生するのではないかという仮説があり、これをがん幹細胞仮説という。
apoptosis=programmed cell death; deletion of individual cells by fragmentation into membrane-bound particles, which are phagocytized(貪食される) by other cells.アポトーシス (apoptosis) とは、多細胞生物の体を構成する細胞の死に方の一種で、個体をより良い状態に保つために積極的に引き起こされる、管理・調節された細胞の自殺すなわちプログラムされた細胞死(狭義にはその中の、カスパーゼに依存する型)のこと。
metastasize 転移する
タグ:Reishi mushroom
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